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The Fourteen Hills Blog
A revisitation of 'Crabmeat on the Fifteenth Floor' by James Norcliffe from Fourteen Hills 2
The poetry editorial staff were drawn to this elegant poem. Initially we saw it as a well-constructed piece of privileged confection...
Sarah Heady's thoughts on AWP
I asked Sarah Heady to share her thoughts on AWP. Sarah was at AWP signing copies of her Michael Rubin award-winning book of poetry...
Fourteen Hills at AWP
I cornered our Editor-in-Chief Ari Moskowitz and our Poetry Editor Ryan Nash, fresh from an exhilarating weekend in Seattle. When asked...
Marilyn Minter Steams Up the Cover of Fourteen Hills Issue 20.1
Imagine our excitement when Marilyn Minter generously gave Fourteen Hills access to her entire body of work for Issue 20.1. How does one...
Fourteen Hills Release Party Raffle Extravaganza
This year, Fourteen Hills marks its 40th issue release at 7 p.m. on December 11th at The Glass Door Gallery in North Beach, San...
Celebrate With Us the Release of Issue 20.1!
Fourteen Hills is head-over-heels to announce our 40th release party. Yeah, you heard that right. On Wednesday, December 11th at the...
Niagara Transnational Release Party a Stunning Success
Thanks to all those who came out November 6 to support award-winner Sarah Heady and Fourteen Hills at the Michael Rubin Book Award...
Fourteen Hills Part of a LitQuake Tradition
As a born and raised New Yorker, I grew up writing stories before I even knew my own. Moving to San Francisco meant creating a foundation...
Michael Rubin Book Award Release Party
The Michael Rubin Book Award (MRBA) Release Party is fast approaching on Wednesday, November 6, 7-9 PM. Fourteen Hills is excited to...
Nona Caspers Talks About Her Latest Book
Fourteen Hills reconnects with award-winning fiction writer and San Francisco State University Professor, Nona Caspers (Fourteen Hills...
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