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Fourteen Hills 6.1, Winter 2000


Patrick Ryan



Renee Gladman, Rick Austin, Virigl Suarez, Rod Surber, Manuel Munoz, Ann Marie Aubin, John Monroe, Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite, Elizabeth Burnett



Tom Clark, K. Silem Mohammad, Melanie Braverman, Albert Flynn DeSilver, Suart Downs, Jelly Holt, Geoff Bouvier, Linda Jarkesy, Peter Ganick, Michelle Murphy, Jayson Curry, George J. Farrah, M.K. Francisco, John High, Jerrold Shiroma, Julian Chapin, Toni Mirosevich, Jim Petersen, Donald Hilla, Brian Carey Chung, Valerie Coulton, Dana Lomax, Ray Bradbury



Sarah Schulman


Fourteen Hills Press is staffed exclusively by graduate students in SFSU's Creative Writing program. We publish the annual Fourteen Hills: The SFSU Review and annual chapbooks. Fourteen Hills is committed to publishing the best of original poetry, fiction, literary nonfiction, and cross-genre work created by writers in the US and abroad.

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1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132

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