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Fourteen Hills 9.2, Summer 2003


Jody Brown



Pamela Ryder, Liz Batchelder, Cooley Windsor, Jacob White, Diane Williams, Traci Oberg, Christopher Sorrentino, Jimmy Chen, Eireene Nealand



Carl Phillips, Marty McConnell, Jenny Bitner. Jasmine DeLoria Kelly, Kyle Thompson, Catherine Cafferty, Mary Biddinger, Gabriel Welsch, Amy Miller, Haleh Hatami, Mukta Sambrani, Brian Komei Dempster, Jay Leeming, Noah Michelson


Fourteen Hills Press is staffed exclusively by graduate students in SFSU's Creative Writing program. We publish the annual Fourteen Hills: The SFSU Review and annual chapbooks. Fourteen Hills is committed to publishing the best of original poetry, fiction, literary nonfiction, and cross-genre work created by writers in the US and abroad.

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Fourteen Hills is a proud member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses

© 2018 by Fourteen Hills, SFSU Dept. of Creative Writing

1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132

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