The Fourteen Hills release party is right around the corner, and we have some amazing readers lined up for the event. On Wednesday, May 15th at 7:00pm at the Verdi Club (2424 Mariposa St., San Francisco), writers we’ve published from past issues and the forthcoming issue 19.2 will read from their work. This event is going to be a beautiful, sit-down affair with complimentary food and exquisite atmosphere. You’ll want to arrive early to grab the best seats, enjoy the live music of Pocket Shelley, and buy tickets for our amazing raffle prizes. But if the least you do is come for our incredible readers, that’s fine by us. Without further delay, let us introduce the readers for the Fourteen Hills 19.2 release party.

Ron Nyren’s (Fourteen Hills 8.2) fiction has appeared in The Paris Review, The Missouri Review, The North American Review, Glimmer Train Stories, Mississippi Review, and elsewhere. He has an MFA in creative writing from the University of Michigan and is a former Stegner Fellow. With Sarah Stone, he co-authored Deepening Fiction: A Practical Guide for Intermediate and Advanced Writers. He currently works as a freelance writer and teaches for Stanford Continuing Studies.

Elizabeth Treadwell (4.1 and 11.2) earned her MFA from San Francisco State University in 1997. Her first book, a novel titled Eleanor Ramsey: the Queen of Cups, was published as the Michael Rubin Chapbook Award winner that year. Her thesis, Populace (prose poems), was published by Avec in 1999. Her 8th book, a poetry collection titled Virginia or the mud-flap girl, appeared from Dusie last year. She has taken an active role as an editor, publisher, and curator, including 7 years as director of Small Press Traffic. She lives in Oakland, where she was born.

Dana Teen Lomax (6.1) is the author of Disclosure (Black Radish Books), Ubu Edition #43 (UbuWeb), Rx (Dusie), Curren¢y (Palm Press), Room (a+bend), and co-editor of Letters to Poets (Saturnalia Books). Her work has appeared in Jacket, Poets & Writers, The Bay Poetics Anthology and Against Expression. She served as the Director of Small Press Traffic and is proud to be the editor of Kindergarde: Avant-garde Poems, Plays, Stories, and Songs for Children. She teaches writing at San Francisco State University and Marin Juvenile Hall.

Daniel J. Langton (5.1), author of Querencia, University of Missouri Press (Devins Award), 1975; The Inheritance, a play produced by the Julian Theatre, 1980; The Hogarth-Selkirk Letters, 1985; Life Forms, Cheltenham Press, 1995; Greatest Hits, 2000, The Sonnets, 2005, During Our Walks, 2012. Poems in Threepenny Review, Atlantic Monthly, Paris Review, The Nation, The American Scholar, The Iowa Review, and other magazines and journals. Winner of the Devins Award for Poetry, the Hart Crane Award, the London Prize, the Browning Award, the Edgar Allan Poe Memorial Award and the Roberts Prize.

Zara Raab’s (16.2) books are Swimming the Eel (2011) and The Book of Gretel (2010). Rumpelstiltskin, or What’s in a Name, a finalist for the Dana Award, will be published later this year, along with Fracas & Asylum. She is a contributing editor of Poetry Flash and Redwood Coast Review.
We are also excited to introduce two readers from the forthcoming issue 19.2:

Hobie Anthony: Hobie Anthony was raised on the red clay of Georgia, cut his teeth on the hard streets of Chicago, and now roots into the volcanic soil of Portland, Oregon. He can be found or is forthcoming in such journals as Fourteen Hills, Fiction Southeast, The Rumpus, [PANK], Wigleaf, Housefire, Crate, Ampersand, Birkensnake, Word Riot, Connotation Press, and many more. He earned an MFA from Queens University of Charlotte. He writes experimental novels.

Lisa Cattrone received her BA in philosophy and MFA in poetry from Saint Mary’s College of California. She has work most recently in Volt, Gulf Coast, The Claudius App, The Denver Quarterly, West Wind Review and Scythe and forthcoming in Interim and EOAGH. Her manuscript Becky and the Leviathans was recently selected as a finalist for Kelsey Street Press’ Firsts First Book Contest, and her chapbook Mutations for Jenny is forthcoming this year from Horse Less Press.
So mark your calendars if you haven’t already, or just ink it right onto your skin like I do, and we’ll see you at the Verdi Club (2424 Mariposa Street, SF) at 7:00pm on May 15th. RSVP on Facebook.