San Francisco is about to get quaked. Litquaked, that is. October 11 begins San Francisco’s 11th Litquake, nine days of literary events ranging from interviews with world-renown authors (TC Boyle, Mary Gaitskill, and Anne Perry, among others), readings, workshops, parties, and other less easily classified shenanigans no one’s gonna want to miss. For a complete schedule, visit http://www.litquake.org/2013-festival-schedule. Ticketed events sell out quickly.
The exquisite cap to this week of literary mayhem, is LitCrawl, a massive three-hour string of readings that spans dozens of venues, and showcases San Francisco literary journals, creative writing programs, reading series, and interest groups. The Crawl is divided into three phases, beginning at 6 PM. Each phase lasts about an hour, though crawlers are encouraged to check out one or two during each phase as they desire. Most readings are within walking distance of each other in San Francisco’s Mission district. It’s often too hard to pull away, though, so make sure you check the schedule and carefully plan ahead.
For starters, plant yourself comfortably at the Mission Police Station (630 Valencia) for Fourteen Hills’ Time Capsule Tour. The action begins at 6 PM when Fourteen Hills kicks off LitCrawl by showcasing some of its celebrated past, present, and future. Featured readers span all twenty years of Fourteen Hills publication, including the inaugural Issue1.1 published in 1994. They are Jon Boilard (Fourteen Hills 1.1), Daniel Coshnear (Fourteen Hills 5.1), Lucille Lang Day (Fourteen Hills 7.2), Sarah Heady (current San Francisco State University MFA student and winner of this years Michael Rubin Book Award), Jill Tidman (Fourteen Hills 15.2, where her short story “This is How I Saw It” won her both a Pushcart and the Bambi Holmes Award), and Barbara Tomash (Fourteen Hills 3.2 & 10.2). Fourteen Hills is elated to share with you both one of our first published authors, Jon Boilard, and one of our most recent, Sarah Heady. We can’t think of a better way to celebrate twenty amazing years, and counting, of publishing some of the country’s most provocative and exceptional writing and art.
Come celebrate twenty years with Fourteen Hills as we kick-off this year’s LitCrawl, 6 PM at the Mission Police Station (630 Valencia). Stay current with all of Fourteen Hills’ coming attractions by following us on Facebook and Twitter, and at www.14hills.net.