Getting stoked for the Fourteen Hills 21.1 release party on Wednesday, December 17th!
As a first time staff member for this dynamic publication, I’m excited to be on hand for the release and celebration of a strong showing from Fourteen Hills (now going 20 years strong!).
I’ve been sincerely honored to be a part of the editorial wizardry of the team’s review for this edition. Watching it come together, from the slush pile to the heated internal debates amongst staff, has been an enthralling voyage into the literary publishing landscape.
However heartbreaking it was to wave goodbye to some of the near misses that didn’t make it into this edition, it’s been conversely electric to help realize the publication of so much fantastic literary art.
The staff recently learned that Jahla Seppanen, the author of one of my favorite selections from this volume, will be on hand at the release party to read her incredible piece of fiction, “The Sage and Sound”—a story about two young lovers on a nocturnal car ride, where strong characterization and internal dialogue take readers down a dark country road, and into a den straddling the forms of this world and others.
Pretty much juiced to be out there, and looking forward to seeing everyone share, read, and enjoy the newest edition in a collective group hug—wine in hand—of Fourteen Hills 21.1.
Go to there.
The event is FREE. RSVP requested, but not required, on Facebook.