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Issue 27 Special Feature: Queer Sci-Fi Flash Fiction

A special feature within a literary journal is meant to highlight a particular sect of the literary world. This could be directed towards a specific genre, or a particular voice or experience some writers carry within them and leave behind in their work. Special features put these works on a pedestal and shine a spotlight on them, making sure they are seen. When our Fourteen Hills staff explored the types of writers we could give voice to, we had many options in front of us. The one that screamed out to us most was Queer Sci-Fi Flash Fiction. A blend of three literary aspects worthy of the pedestal.

Flash Fiction is a difficult art to master. Writers who are able to create a full story in a small amount of space are worth celebrating. The skill and talent that takes is awe-inspiring. Successfully concentrating the elements of narrative into a few short pages or less creates a powerful story that demands reading.

Science Fiction, which is not always viewed as literary, can embody exactly what we want to see in literary work: writing that creates an emotional effect and makes us feel. Science Fiction and other speculative genres have just as much to say as any other genre, and these messages are delivered in riveting ways that inspire deeper thought which leads to deeper understanding.

Queer writers create vivid stories and compelling narratives stemming from a unique voice and personal experience. Far too often, it is difficult for queer writers to break into the literary world and tell their stories to a wider audience. 

By putting these three aspects together, we have developed a special feature which will bring forward stories that should be told, highlighting Queer voices in need of representation, Sci-Fi in need of recognition, and Flash Fiction deserving admiration.


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