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The Tilt 

by Robin Romm, winner of the 2004 MRBA


"Robin Romm's fiction negotiates the disputed no man's land between the comic and the uncanny, but instead of discovering there only the quirky, she manages, like George Saunders, to get at something profoundly human. These are well-rendered and intriguing characters, and they manage to stumble through their lives despite the disappearances and reappearances of boyfriends and fathers. This is a startling first collection."

--Brian Evenson


"Robin Romm summons a marveling sadness that is also the site of tenderness and self-knowledge. How can we contain loss and harm, so that we can live, when loss and harm are where we live most deeply? Romm's stories are driven by a longing that exceeds its object because its real object is the world."

--Robert Gluck


"These are stories of raw and painful honesty. It takes courage to see the world this way. And they contain moments of humor, joy, and pure strangeness which makes them all the more rare."

--Peter Orner 


Stories from The Tilt have appeared in Five Fingers Review, Kitchen Sink, Limestone, Nimrod International, Northwest Review, and The Threepenny Review. After a brief stint as a federal investigator, Robin Romm decided to pursue an M.F.A. at San Francisco State University. She holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from Brown University. She lives in Berkeley, California.




Fourteen Hills Press is staffed exclusively by graduate students in SFSU's Creative Writing program. We publish the annual Fourteen Hills: The SFSU Review and annual chapbooks. Fourteen Hills is committed to publishing the best of original poetry, fiction, literary nonfiction, and cross-genre work created by writers in the US and abroad.

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